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  • Writer's pictureLouise

How to Create a History Bullet Journal

What even is a bullet journal?

I like to think of a bullet journal as a sort of levelled-upped diary for organising, note-taking, drawing; basically whatever you want.

So, why should I create a history one?

I find having a history-themed bullet journal allows me to keep all things history I do in just one place, whether it is what historical books I've read or someone cool I read about online and don't want to forget.

What do I need to start creating one?

Lots of pages online will tell you to buy a £100 handcrafted Italian leather journal and if you don't your bullet journal will simply be abysmal. That is completely not true if you don't want to splash the cash on a fancy dotted journal, don't! For my history bullet journal, I didn't want to buy a new dotted notebook so I just picked up one that was closest to me to get started and one of those free biros people seem to always hand out. I find using what you already have to be a great way to get started and if you fall in love with journaling you can definitely splash out on some nice pens and a book.

I recently bought a small notebook with dotted pages for £3 of Amazon so my pages were whiter and it was easier to draw in! Once, I've filled this one I will definitely get a slightly more expensive one it's just to test how committed I am to the idea.

You also don't need to have any artistic talent it can be as messy or neat as you want. At the end of the day, it is just for you!

What to put in a history-themed bullet journal?

These are just pages I have in my history journal but the sky is the limit! I always find Pinterest to be a great source of inspiration. Let me know what page ideas you have in the comments or on Instagram and Twitter.

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Be sure to let me know if you start a history bullet journal! What are you going to put in yours?

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